If you use our tradespeople's hosting package or transfer your existing website and hosting over to our hosting package, and purchase a SSL secure certificate, we will set everything up for you completely FREE!
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the globally recognised standard for securely encrypting information being passed between a server and web browser. The SSL certificates I offer are exactly the same as those being used by the leading online businesses and banks.
I have just the right option which will be everything you need to secure your website:
- Uses https://
- Browser padlock
- 128-bit to 256-bit SSL encryption
The benefits of using an SSL certificate
Increase conversions
Research has shown that up to 75% of potential customers abandon a retail website due to security concerns, so a recognised, industry-standard SSL certificate will help increase your conversion rates and build up your reputation with customers.
Enhanced reputation A visibly secured website helps you enhance your reputation and guard against possible attacks and fraud.
Store information securely
SSL certificates are not exclusive to websites trading online. If your site requires a login for protected information, make it secure with SSL technology. An SSL certificate prevents data being intercepted when it is being accessed by authorised users.
Business Validation
The SSL certificate verifies you are who you claim to be and that customers can complete a transaction with confidence.
Buy your SSL certificate now
Providing your users with essential peace of mind, SSL certificates signify you offer world-class data protection, increasing both trust and revenue. Websites with SSL certificates guarantee stringent security checks are in place to protect the user’s private information, such as their bank details.
As a website owner, you can trade online safely in the knowledge that the SSL secure connection will make sure all important information is kept out of reach from prying eyes. Having an SSL certificate will keep your visitors coming back time and time again, safe in the knowledge you provide a secure service.
Our SSL certificates are great value for money and offer complete security for both you and your customers. Also this will overcome the issue with the Google Chrome security warning.
To request more information or to order your HTTPS Security Certificate for your website, fill in the request form below and I will get back to you to get everything set up for you.